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Centurion Profits (Atsidaro 2013-08-05)

SolidTrustPay EgoPay

  • Prašome prisijungti, kad galėtumėte parašyti atsakymą
Temoje atsakymų: 32

#21 DraKill

  • Lytis:Not Telling

Parašyta 12 spalio 2013 - 10:10

Galas. Trumpai paprastai adminas lazy as hell, o co-adminui atsibodo su juo dirbt tad bus išmokami refundai praktiškai pilni. Kadangi programa jau seniai merdėjo tikrai džiaugsiuosi jei gausiu refundą.


To all CenturionProfits members,

Some of you already know this from the forums and some will be hearing this for the first time.  I am sorry for this, I truly am, but I cannot continue this program if Frank will not let me incorporate certain ideas and plans for our future.  He has become a very LAZY admin in my opinion and leaves me to do everything.  I was never supposed to be doing thsi full time, only helping out until it got off its feet and helping here and there.  I am truly sorry for this.

I figured I now have one option, and that is to refund everyone to break even point with whatever they sent to the CenturionProfits STP or EP accounts.  I started compiling a list of all deposits sent to CP with all of our current, active members so I know who gets what.  I believe this is how it will work for now:

1) I will start off with going through everyone giving back 80-90% of their money leaving the other 10-20% there to make sure everyone receives money back.

2) I will then take the remaining 10-20% and begin the next batch of refunds to get you to 100% break even point.  

3) There are about 5-10% of the funds that are currently invested in other things that I used to help pay out withdrawals.  So the last 5% or so might take a little bit longer than expected but it will get there to you soon if not immediately.

4)To let you know, the only expenses I really occured during this time were server charges which total around $1500 from July till now,  $600 for miscellaneous charges for fixes, additions, and such for the program.  only about $500 for advertising (Frank was supposed to handle this), and the rest of the membership fees were used to cover the STP and EP fees that we did not charge anyone. The rest of the membership fees that are left over will take the place of the above mentioned 5-10% investments so that members get paid back immediately and do not have to wait.  

5)Out of over 883 people who registered for CenturionProfits, only about 193 were actually upgraded and actually participated in the shares and crowdfunding.  Over $21,000 had been paid already and there is still around $20,000 in CP accounts waiting to be paid still.  

6) Next time I decide to do a program, I will only be doing it by myself.  I will also be looking into shadowscript instead as it seems that that is a better script that others out ther.  I do hope that you all will be back when I do launch something down the road.  I would love to hear your opinions and suggestions and what you would like to see and partake in.  Whether it be something that just pays daily, a PTC, a revshare, something like the old JBP where you get matrix positions with expired daily percentage positions, and so on.  

7) I do hope you are not upset and do understand what has happened.  I will start the refunds soon, most likely next week sometime as I am not going to be at my computer much this week until next Wednesday.  So please be patient and understand.  

8) I am now going to turn off deposits and repurchase ability.

9) If I have problems paying you with the current STP or EP username I have, I will send you an email personally so I can get your information from you so you get paid.   There are a few of you that I have had problems with so I will let you know.

I hope this all makes sense and it is satisfactory for al of you.  Please let me know if you have any questions for me.  Again, I will be starting the refunds next week if not sooner too.  I do thank each and everyone for all your work and for being honest with me.  I hope to see you all around here again sometime and I will keep you informed if and when I decide to do another program all by myself. 

I know I was asked to tell members, that if you still want to continue, that I should let you, but I really do not think it is in your best interest as I feel like you would just lose money in the long run.  And I do not want anyone to lose money. I hope you understand this.

You might get an email from Frank trying to get you to stay but I am only guessing at this since he has not been around much at all.

Again, let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you everyone!


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#22 Orange88


Parašyta 12 spalio 2013 - 10:30

Oho, būtų vienas iš tų, ant pirštų suskaičiuojamų atvejų, kai investuotojams gražinami pinigai! :o

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#23 d2b

  • Lytis:Vyras

Parašyta 13 spalio 2013 - 07:02

Dar iš pradžių šiek tiek gailėjausi, kad neinvestavau. Maniau tikrai pramečiau vieną iš geresnių HYIP, kurie galėtų išsikovoti savo padėtį, bet matau nesuklydau.

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Ar pinigai gali uždirbti pinigus?

#24 noobsaibots

  • Lytis:Not Telling

Parašyta 15 spalio 2013 - 07:50

pasiekiau 36% bep.... :)

  • 0

Naujausi ir geriausi uždarbio internete pasiūlymai - Mes Facebook!

#25 d2b

  • Lytis:Vyras

Parašyta 15 spalio 2013 - 08:39

pasiekiau 36% bep.... :)



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Ar pinigai gali uždirbti pinigus?

#26 DraKill

  • Lytis:Not Telling

Parašyta 16 spalio 2013 - 10:41

Nepamirškit nusiųst adminui duomenų:


If you are looking for a refund (first step is between 70-100%), just for security measures and to double check things on my side, please send me your:

CenturionProfits username -
STP username if you used STP -
Egopay username if you used EP -

Even if you think I have all the details, please do this still.

CP Admin

Our email is:

CP Admin

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#27 DraKill

  • Lytis:Not Telling

Parašyta 24 spalio 2013 - 07:45

Weee gavau 70% refundą. Žada dar išmokėt ir daugiau tik kiek vėliau.

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#28 d2b

  • Lytis:Vyras

Parašyta 25 spalio 2013 - 08:03

Weee gavau 70% refundą. Žada dar išmokėt ir daugiau tik kiek vėliau.

Tai gal išlipai į nulį? B)

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Ar pinigai gali uždirbti pinigus?

#29 DraKill

  • Lytis:Not Telling

Parašyta 25 spalio 2013 - 10:03

Ne Ir greičiausiai neišlipsiu. Dėl labai mažų procentų kurie čia buvo mokami nespėjau aš net vieno withdrawalo susikaupt. Kiek gražins tiek ir teturėsiu. Ir neišlips į pliusą ar net ant nulio niekas nes įvertina kiek išsiėmei ir kiek įdėjai ir visiems pagal skirtumą tik gražina

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#30 d2b

  • Lytis:Vyras

Parašyta 25 spalio 2013 - 11:18

Na bent jau pavyko didžiąją dalį susigrąžinti.

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Ar pinigai gali uždirbti pinigus?

#31 DraKill

  • Lytis:Not Telling

Parašyta 27 spalio 2013 - 03:10

Jeigu pasiseks dar žada ir daugiau sugražint tik ne iš karto. Jeigu ir daugiau sugražins tai tikrai nenuvylęs adminas bus ir manau, kad kitą jo projektą tikrai pažiūrėsiu įdėmiau.

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#32 d2b

  • Lytis:Vyras

Parašyta 20 lapkričio 2013 - 11:46

Kodėl jis dar ne SCAM liste?

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Ar pinigai gali uždirbti pinigus?

#33 DraKill

  • Lytis:Not Telling

Parašyta 20 lapkričio 2013 - 12:40

Geras klausimas. Projektas tikrai nebemokus dabar tik laukiami refundai. 70% jau daugumai ismokėjo ar daugiau mokės klausimas.

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Taip pat pažymėtų su viena ar daugiau šių žymių: SolidTrustPay, EgoPay

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