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Poker by proxy

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Temoje atsakymų: 53

#41 DraKill

  • Lytis:Not Telling

Parašyta 07 lapkričio 2013 - 10:05

Vakar gavau newsletterį, kurį šiandien perskaitęs visiškai kitaip pradėjau galvoti apie PBP:

Last Night's Newsletter

It's been a while since we've sent out a Poker by Proxy Newsletter, so I thought that tonight would be a perfect time to send out an update regarding the program. Over the past few weeks, Poker by Proxy has seen unprecedented growth, and interest in the program is far greater than we had ever expected. In addition to that, there have been numerous exciting updates, enhancements and other system improvements that have taken place, or are currently in the works. In tonight's newsletter, I would like to share some of these exciting updates to ensure that everyone is up to speed with all of the latest news here at Poker by Proxy.

***Poker by Proxy New Year's Party in Aruba***

To celebrate New Years, the entire Poker by Proxy team, including all of our players and administration staff will be travelling to the island of Aruba to ring in 2014. And the best part of all, Poker by Proxy members are also invited! Aruba is known for having excellent casinos, and great live action poker, which will make this a holiday to remember. To sweeten the deal, we'll be giving away 3 all inclusive trips for two to lucky Poker by Proxy members. The winners will be decided in three ways:

- One of the all inclusive vacations will be given out at random to one of our active investors who has a minimum balance of $100
- The second all inclusive vacation will be given out to the member with the largest volume of referral deposits
- The final all inclusive vacation will be "Jack's Choice," where Jack will select his favourite member as a winner

Winners will be announced on November 25th. For everyone else, full details including where we're staying, where we're playing, and all other pertinent information will be provided before the end of November. This New Year's Eve is going to be one to remember, and we hope that we can see as many of you as possible on the sunny island of Aruba!

***Website Improvements***

Over the past week, we have been soliciting suggestions from our members, regarding improvements that could be made to the Poker by Proxy website to make its even more enjoyable than it already is. After reviewing the suggestions, we are committed to implementing the following changes below. You can expect to see these changes within the next two weeks.

- Adding an on-site chatroom, where our administration team, and occasionally our players, will interact with Poker by Proxy users. Not only will it be a place for users to have discussions with us, but it will also be a great location for PBP members to meet each other. Poker by Proxy is a great community, and we want to make it even better!
-Adding a Poker Glossary to help those who are unfamiliar with poker terminology to better understand the daily updates.
- Adding new payment methods (further details below)
- Creating the Poker by Proxy Blog, which will expand on our daily updates and provide a greater in-depth and behind the scenes look at Poker by Proxy.

***Expanding Our Poker Team***

Poker by Proxy began with 4 poker players, and has since expanded to 6 full time team members. As of today, we have 2 additional members who are taking part in our Poker by Proxy training/testing program, and we hope that they will eventually join the others to help grow our team. As the amount of funds that are invested with Poker by Proxy continues to increase, so will the responsibilities of our players. In order to keep up, we are always looking for skilled players to join our team. While only a small handful of those who apply end up becoming full time team members, we're always open to new applications. If you think you have what it takes to become a professional poker player for Poker by Proxy, please feel free to contact us.

***New Payment Processors***

One of the biggest challenges with Poker by Proxy is managing all of the incoming and outgoing funds. A balance needs to be achieved between convenience for users, as well as logistics for the administration. We have received countless suggestions for new payment processors over the past few weeks, and we will be adding a few of them along with our next website upgrade. The ones we have chosen include Pexpay and Skrill. Other possibilities are in the works, including direct transfers on online poker sites, including PokerStars.

***Improved Customer Support***

With the exceptional growth that Poker by Proxy has been experiencing, it's becoming a bit of a challenge to keep up with the hundreds of messages that we receive each and every day. To help lighten the load, we're expanding our customer support department, with the introduction of local representatives. We already have multiple representative from around the world who have applied. With the next update, you will see a new page that provides contact details for all of our local representatives, who will be able to help new and existing users with any questions that they may have about Poker by Proxy.

That concludes today's newsletter. I hope that you found it to be both interesting and informative. If you have any questions, our admin team is ready to help, either by e-mail or through the internal messaging system found in your Poker by Proxy support centre.

Jack, Patrick, Kendall and the entire Poker by Proxy Poker Team

Kodėl ir kas pasikeitė mano mąstyme? Na pirmiausia tai New years party. Jeigu toks tikrai įvyks, jame tikrai turėtų apsilankyti kasnors iš MMG forumo ir tada jau turėtume kiek daugiau nei tik spėliones žaidžia jie pokerį ar ne. Taip pat blogas ir chatroomas labai neblogos mintys ir lauksiu jų su nekantrumu.

Tačiau visdėlto labiausiai mane gerai nuteikė galimybė, kad jie žada pradėti dirbti su tokiais pay processoriais kaip Skrill. Tiems kas nežino Skrill yra didžiausias pay procesorius dirbantis su pokerio kambariais ir šioje srityje jis net neabejoju kad lenkia PayPal. Man taip pat niekad neteko matyti, kad Skrill dirbtų su HYIPais ir panašiais dalykais, tad jeigu jiems pavyks susitarti tai tikrai kažką reikš. O jeigu jiems pavyks susitarti dėl direct transfers su Pokerstars tai išviso apšalsiu.

Taigi jeigu New years party įvyks ir jie pradės dirbti su Skrill ir duok die su PokerStars, tokiu atveju savo investiciją mažiausiai penkiagubinsiu, nes jie čia ilgam.

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#42 d2b

  • Lytis:Vyras

Parašyta 07 lapkričio 2013 - 11:45

Na tokie projektay ar HYIP visada sugeba pasirinkti tokią vietą kur x**i pateksi. Tikriausiai nebe priežasties.


Sėkmės dauginant investicijas.

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Ar pinigai gali uždirbti pinigus?

#43 DraKill

  • Lytis:Not Telling

Parašyta 08 lapkričio 2013 - 12:04

Kolkas aš dar to nedarau. Laukiam pokyčių. Kolkas vis dar imuosi withdrawalus ir džiaugiuosi didėjančiu pliusu

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#44 DraKill

  • Lytis:Not Telling

Parašyta 16 lapkričio 2013 - 10:15

Gavau dar vieną išmoką ir jau turiu atsiėmęs 160% savo investicijos. So far so good.

Vis dar tenka laukti betkokių nuotraukų ar kažkokių kitokių įrodymų, kad jie ne tik pilsto iš tuščio į kiaurą. Tiesa pastebėjau keletą klaidų jų dienos rašymuose. Pvz rašo kad žaidė 2/4$ limituose zoom stalus PSe. Tokių limit stalų PSe nėra. Yra tik 2,5/5$ arba 1/2$.

Prieš porą dienų paleido PBP blogą, bet kolkas ten tuščia. Linkas į blogą

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#45 DraKill

  • Lytis:Not Telling

Parašyta 17 lapkričio 2013 - 08:53

Dar vieną išmoką gavau. Vis dar per mažiau nei 24h. ROI: 183%

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#46 DraKill

  • Lytis:Not Telling

Parašyta 26 lapkričio 2013 - 12:31

Dar viena greita išmoka ir jau turiu ROI: 205%. Naujienlaiškyje pažadėjo atskleist detalių apie paskutinį savo live žaidimą per 24h. Pažiūrėsim ar bent vieną pažadą ištęsės.

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#47 DraKill

  • Lytis:Not Telling

Parašyta 29 lapkričio 2013 - 09:02

Opc ir restartas. Porą paskutinių dienų pasamonėj kirbėjo, kad laikas pasitraukt ir išsiimt viską, bet vistiek išlikau. Tenka pasiguost kad uždirbau ganėtinai neblogai 205%. Dabar dilema ar investuoti vėl. Gali ten pezėt ką nori bet dabar parodė kad jokio pokerio jie nežaidžia 100% ir įtarimai teisingi.

Friday 29th November 2013

Result -99.00%
Over the past few months, Poker by Proxy has been having an amazing time. Profits were great, and our users were fun to correspond with. However, things have changed, and in the process have totally destroyed us. Today's loss is not a typo. While we haven't completely lost that amount, we have taken massive losses thanks to Paypal and a few other unforeseeable events. It is with great dismay that I post tonight's update. Below I have outlined the primary challenges that we are facing, along with the plan to move forward.

Payment Processors

The main problem is that the payment processors seem to be run by thieves. Paypal has now managed to steal the vast majority of the funds that were deposited. Not only have they frozen accounts, they have billed our personal credit cards, bank accounts, and more. Paypal is one of the biggest scams I have ever seen, and somehow they manage to get away with it. To make matters worse, some idiotic investors have caused problems by starting disputes when their withdrawals weren't paid instantly. We are VERY clear about how withdrawals work, yet some of our members seem to be illiterate. That brings me to the next challenge we've been facing:

The Users

The vast majority of PBP users are friendly individuals, however there is a relatively large handful that seem hell bent on causing problems. These users have managed to freeze many of our accounts, reverse payments, threaten us when withdrawals aren't paid within an hour, and much more. Furthermore, these users post negative comments on forums and blogs and then demand ransom money in order to have them removed. It's unbelievable.

The Plan

Moving forward we must make some major changes. First of all, we're removing Paypal all together. I also encourage anyone who uses Paypal to stop working with such a fraudulent company. The next step will be to get things back to normal as soon as possible. With the heavy burden of the frozen funds out of the way, profits will resume. In terms of making sure no one loses out, we've compiled a list of all of our users, along with their total deposits and withdrawals. A portion of each day's winnings will now been used to bring everyone back up into the green (most members are in profit already). Please note that there will be some rules when it comes to this.

1) Anyone who threatens us or anyone associated with Poker by Proxy will voluntarily forfeit any funds that they have deposited with Poker by Proxy. We are tired of the ridiculous threats. We have actually received threats of violence when a user's withdrawal took more than 2 hours. We have no interest in dealing with such idiots.

2) If you send any message requesting that your payment be expedited, your funds will be forfeited. Such messages simply waste everyone's time.

3) The recovery process covers deposits, not overall account balances.

4) Withdrawals will now be paid within 72 hours. If you complain, as many of you have when your withdrawal was processed within a few hours, your account will be forfeited.

Today's events are unfortunate, however with a bit of luck, we can get everything back to normal in the near future.

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#48 d2b

  • Lytis:Vyras

Parašyta 29 lapkričio 2013 - 10:50

Šiam pasauly nebūna stebuklų, bet tikėti jais norisi :)


Sveikinu su uždarbiu ir gerai, kad dar nespėjai įnašo papenkiagubinti. Visą laiką skaičiau ir šiek tiek pavydėjau, bet netikėjau, kad ilgai temps toks stebuklas.


Tik keista, kodėl jie tą PayPalą sugalvojo kaltinti jei jis čia visai ne prie ko. tikri juokdariai.

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Ar pinigai gali uždirbti pinigus?

#49 DraKill

  • Lytis:Not Telling

Parašyta 02 gruodžio 2013 - 12:13

Na ką dabar jau tikrai viskas. Tik pusprotis beinvestuotų :).

Result 4.70%
Things are starting to look up, with a few days profits in a row. Granted, the profits are being divided over a substantially smaller pool of funds than usual, so the higher profits are much easier to achieve. Today's return was 4.7%. All accounts have been updated. The bad news however is that STP has suspended our account and taken the thousands of dollars that were in it. It seems that they're just as bad as Paypal!


Taigi su šituo HYIP baigiam išsiemiau 205% netaip ir blogai.

Dabar kyla klausimas kas toliau? Ganėtinai apleidau HYIPus nesidomėjau naujienom kitų HYIP apart šito, kyla klausimas kur toliau? Kasnors turit vertų dėmesio HYIP? :)


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#50 d2b

  • Lytis:Vyras

Parašyta 02 gruodžio 2013 - 01:40

Aš irgi jau esu apleidęs.


Beje dar žadu būt apleidęs bent iki sausio. Nes Atėjo juodasis gruodis. Tai bent šį mėnesį reiktų atsargiai su jais.

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Ar pinigai gali uždirbti pinigus?

#51 DraKill

  • Lytis:Not Telling

Parašyta 02 gruodžio 2013 - 02:10

Juodasis gruodis? wtf?

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#52 d2b

  • Lytis:Vyras

Parašyta 02 gruodžio 2013 - 03:55

Dažniau vadinamas "Black December". Tai dažniausiai susiję su ateinančiomis šventėmis. Tiesiog šiuo metų laiku visiems prireikia pinigų ir jei kas investavo prieš tai į kokį HYIP, tai visi masiškai pradeda išsiiminėti pinigus, ko pasekoje dauguma per šį laikotarpį žlunga.

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Ar pinigai gali uždirbti pinigus?

#53 DraKill

  • Lytis:Not Telling

Parašyta 02 gruodžio 2013 - 08:33

Hmmmm niekad apie juodąjį pirkymetį nebuvau taip susimąstęs. Geras pastebėjimas. Reiks gal mėnesiuką ir man pailsėt nuo HYIP ;)

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#54 DraKill

  • Lytis:Not Telling

Parašyta 07 gruodžio 2013 - 03:36

Puslapis visiškai nebeiveikia. Keliam į SCAM

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narių: 0, svečių: 0, slaptų narių: 0 yra atvira diskusijų lenta sukurta diskutuoti ir dalintis informacija bei patarimais visiems lankytojams šiomis temomis : Papildomas darbas namuose, darbas ir uždarbis internetu. Darbo laisvu grafiku studentams ir moksleiviams galimybės. Investavimas ir azartiniai žaidimai. Virtualių prekių ir paslaugų skelbimai. Tinklapių kūrimas ir administravimas. neatsako už turinį talpinimą viešai prieinamuose forumo pranešimuose. Už šį turinį atsako kiekvieno pranešimo autorius. - Nemokamas lankytojų skaitliukas